Single Retorquer
April 23, 2021
Delta Top and or Bottom Labeler
May 3, 2021Premier Top and Bottom Labeler with Redundant Heads
This special fully guarded labeler enables label roll changes while the machine is still running.
A redundant head takes over automatically whenever the label roll needs to be changed.
The labeler has 6 servo heads, to label a carton with a top label, a bottom label, and a government Excise Stamp. The extra 3 heads enable label roll changeover while the machine continues running with the alternate label head(s).
The infeed has a carton rotating and aligning system and there is some novel servo driven wiping assemblies. The machine sports a vision system for checking the labels are applied correctly with a corresponding reject station.
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Category: Top/Bottom/Side Labelers
Tag: AESUS Systems