Model CVC1650/1651, Shrink Bundler & Heat Tunnel
April 23, 2021Single Spindle Capper
April 23, 2021Aesus AF1 Liquid Filler (AF1 Little Filler)
From ml to Gallons on the same machine
The LittleFiller is a unique, compact single headed liquid filling unit capable of combining with and networking up to 4 (or more) heads.
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Touch screen
Each unit has a soft touch control screen.
Versatility: A wide variety of products are easily filled, ranging from light liquids through to heavy creams and gels.
Immediately ready to fill again: no need to first draw in the required product prior to dispensing, as is the case with piston fillers. In some applications this will double the output.
Limitless fill quantity: no restrictions regarding the fill size. Milliliters to liters… ounces to gallons… same machine. No separate pistons to buy.
Repeatabilities of +/- 0.5%: easily achievable **.
Changeover: new products can be set up quickly and easily and the complete pump can be disassembled without tools.
The time saved adds up rapidly… helping pay for the machine over and over.
Compact: The fillers take up half the space of others.
As standard, volumes can be entered as low as 1/2 oz. (10cc) or smaller, to volumes greater than 5 Gallons (20 Liters) effortlessly to give repeat fills with an accuracy of up to ±0.5%.
Network them
The LittleFiller LF1 fillers can be networked together to make multi-headed liquid filling systems; just plug each unit into power and connect each unit to each other with a small, readily available ‘Ethernet’ style cable and they are networked.
Automate at any time
If you decide that manual filling using the LittleFiller LF1 fillers is not what you want, you can add the automation package and it can be automated over any conveyor. There are different options that can be added for different types of products.
he automation package consists of an index finger kit and you can add a basic table stand and power bar, or supply your own.
The standard index finger kit includes a no-bottle no-fill sensor that will only allow the machine to fill a bottle when bottles are present. It also includes a back-up bottle sensor which determines if the bottles are backed up due to a problem downstream. The machine will stop filling when the bottles are missing or backed-up.
The basic table stand is stainless steel and will hold two LittleFiller LF1s. Larger units are available.
A neck clamp is an option to clamp the bottles securely while filling, and a dive system is also available to dive the nozzle(s) into the neck while filling.
The Heart of the filler is the Pump. A sanitary clamp holds the pump on to the machine.
Another one holds it together. This means the whole pump, nozzle and hose assembly
can be removed from the machine without tools and taken to the cleanup area if so needed effortlessly.
A patented* design.
No drip Nozzles
Our nozzles close at their very tips to prevent dripping.
This is also convenient for cleanup at the end of a batch.
Since the nozzle is closed the complete pump and nozzle
once clipped off the machine can be taken over to the
clean up area all sealed so you won’t make a mess.