Model CVC1650/1651, Shrink Bundler & Heat Tunnel
April 23, 2021Single Spindle Capper
April 23, 2021Aesus Multi Head Liquid Filler (Aesfill AF 4 to 12)
Up To 160/min Liquid Filler Fully Guarded, variable speed bottom up fill, neck clamp, no bottle no fill, misaligned dive no fill, bottle back up machine stop, recipe management with color touchscreen, clamp on/off contact parts for fast changeover, no drip nozzles fills 3ml to Gallons and more.
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Versatility: A wide variety of products are easily filled, ranging from light liquids through to heavy creams and gels.
Immediately ready to fill again: no need to first draw in the required product prior to dispensing, as is the case with piston fillers.
Limitless fill dispensing: no restrictions regarding amount of dispensed fill. Milliliters to liters… ounces to gallons… same machine.
Repeatabilities of +/- 0.5%: easily achievable**.
Changeover: new products can be set up quickly and easily. The time saved adds up rapidly… helping pay for the machine over and over.
Compact: The fillers take up half the space of others.
Clear choice
The selection of a liquid filler involves decisions regarding…price, speed, versatility, convenience, ease of operation reliability ……. From the many techniques available, AESUS selected positive displacement rotary pumps as the best liquid filling technology available today.. The advantages of these pumps are many.