Packoff Tables and Conveyors
April 23, 2021
Eco Wrap Prism
June 24, 2021Delta Top and or Bottom Labeler
The Aesus Delta series of top & bottom labelers feature a very strong vertical aluminum support plate (modern balcony style) on a rugged stainless steel stand with adjustable feet.
The top & bottom labeler has a gentle flat infeed conveyor that guides the product to side grip belts that firmly hold the container while the top label is being applied.
When the container leaves the infeed belt the grip belts continue to hold the container while the bottom label is applied.
A takeaway conveyor is usually supplied with pressing rollers to ensure the labels are pressed down appropriately.
The conveyors all have variable speeds and adjustable rails. The Label Heads are likewise variable speed and have adjustments up/down and in/out complete with Vernier type scales for easily repeatable set-ups.
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No bulky control box or heavy interconnecting leads
Compact design Quick release core holders and take up roll.
Built in user friendly display screen.
Custom Servo control designed perfectly for label applications with appropriate ramp up and ramp down
Built in Encoder follower circuits to precisely follow a Conveyor or Rotary turret drives
Variable speeds and adjustable Gear ratios Start delays, stop delays, missing label advances, shift registers.
Patented Inductive label sensor that can mount right at the dispense blade to handle even Mylar labels, without the need to play with photo electrics which can dust up.
Patented moving dispensing beak to ensure that difficult labels are precisely dispensed
Hook ups for Printers, barcode readers, print engines
A Myriad of bolt on standard options are available to handle the most demanding challenges.
Quick Change Reels
An Exclusive feature is the twist on/twist
off Core and rewind holders.
Just twist a knob and the core is released
to load fresh Labels. The same system
for the backing paper.
Just the faster label changes will
probably pay for your Head!